Horsley Park Christian Church

1 Peter is a book that raises the Christian’s eyes to the grand and immense future that awaits them. This vision can often be glanced over because there are so many familiar verses in this book. But if we pay careful attention and let the book speak from its own unique perspective, its vision will fundamentally transform how we live.

About us

We’re a small church in the rolling suburbs of Western Sydney trying to grow as disciples of Jesus. We meet at 11:15am every Sunday to dive into God’s word together, sing, pray and share a meal. There’s also a Chinese speaking service that meets at 9:30am. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come along. We’d love to see you there.


In Person

Come join us every Sunday at 11:15am. Includes Q&A.

Live Q&A

Ask all your burning questions here after the service.


Click here to join us at 11:15am on Zoom.


Missed a sermon or just want to share a talk with a friend? You can find all our sermons in the archive.

Just follow the link below or subscribe to our podcast.


If you love what’s happening at HPCC, one way you can support our church is by giving electronically. Your donation will be used to support the gospel ministry here at HPCC and beyond via our mission partners. If you have any questions about giving please connect with us.

Horsley Park Christian Church

BSB: 062 201
ACC: 0090 2624
Reference: HPCC

Say hello!

Come visit us on Sundays at
111-115 Arundel Rd
Horsley Park NSW 2175

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